The diet technique developed by Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson has a beautiful name - the 6-petal diet. The development of this technique has made it possible to significantly reduce the weight of several thousand women in Europe. And today, this method of losing weightEffectively fighting for a beautiful figure, the number of its followers is increasing.
The results of the flower diet are simply amazing! In a statistical study, it was found that 80% of those following this diet lost weight effectively. 500-800 grams were lost in a day. Easy to lose 12-15 kg in a couple of weeksThose who applied the method "6 petals", very quickly got rid of haters in weight.
Every day - its own mono-diet
This diet program lasts 6 days. Each day has its own terms and rules, which are called mono-diet. It is extremely important not to break the sequence of the daily diet. On the first day - one mono-diet, the secondon - on the second, on the third - on the third, and then according to the same scheme. The main point of the 6-petal mono-diet system is to properly alternate them. Anna Johansson, the inventor of this diet, believes that this method is the most effectiveThis is confirmed in practice.
The 6 Petals Diet Is Easy and Fun to Follow
Women who have experienced many different ways to lose weight are sure that the 6 petal diet method can be called the simplest and most fun. It fully justifies its name, which is casual. was not.
While working on this method to lose extra pounds, Dr. Anna Johansson first attempted to provide psychological support to women who would be on a diet. She presented her technique in the form of a flower with six petals, each on whichThe menu of the day was written.
Thus, the nutritionist-developer wanted to show that this diet will not only provide record weight loss, but also provide an opportunity to improve health and mood. It will help you to look at yourself and your life in a positive way. It has long been known, Anna Johansson, also holds the opinion that no, even the best diet will not be beneficial if it causes stress, depression and discomfort.
Nutritionists suggest that the upcoming diet activity should be treated as a game that will give a sense of pride and self-satisfaction day after day. Offers to make a flower. It can be anything you want: chamomile, chrysanthemum, carnation, cornflower and so on. It is important that it has 6 large petals that can be torn off one by one every day.
When the day is over, and with it the mono-diet depicted on the corresponding petal, should be removed. When the next paper petal descends, you will feel that the day has passed with great wealth for your figure. That, Thanks to your willpower, you overcame the temptation to eat something "delicious" and thus put on disgusting weight. Each petal should be signed with the days of the week or numbered. So you do not confuse the sequence of mono-diet. Do it, and it's very important.
Whether you decide to use the flower trick or not is up to you. But, according to statistics, women who applied this regimen using flower models had a greater impact. How to make the best use of this techniqueFor this, place your flower on the refrigerator. Use the magic technique of the famous healer and place a supporting flower in the most prominent and attractive place.
Diet work "6 petals"
How does the flower diet work for us? Everything is extremely simple. Experienced nutritionist Anna Johansson believes that the meaning lies in the peculiarities of human digestion. It is based on three main principles.
- Each mono-diet is the use of products based on different nutrition. Mixing certain products together leads to rapid weight gain. Eating according to the principle of the diet - a different type of food every day - allows you to combine those elements of nutritionwhich cannot be consumed together.
- In case anyone doesn't know this, let me clarify: Some substances that we get from food are very poorly digested together. This results in a build-up of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, which form a layer of undigested fat. goes in and boosts it. In her method, Anna Johansson separates products by type of compatibility. This allows the food given in the diet program to be fully digested for its intended purpose.
- According to a nutritionist from Sweden, these mono-diets are very helpful in the fight against excess fatty tissue, as one type of product is consumed daily. The European Research Center for Weight Loss has conducted relevant studies. Heshowed that if a monotonous diet lasts no more than 24 hours, the effect on caloric expenditure and the destruction of fat stores occurs most rapidly. This is becauseDigestionThe human tract has its own characteristics, especially the characteristics of the liver. The liver serves as a kind of warehouse for the human body. There is an accumulation of substances that are above the norm in the body at this time. Saved for. Therefore, a good amount of nutrients is stored in the liver. Each petal corresponds to its own dietary day. A different diet of each day will include the absorption of a specific product: chicken, yogurtMass, fish, vegetables, and so on. The liver, along with the whole body, after receiving, for example, chicken for breakfast, will be saturated with this product. Replenish its warehouse with a supply of these chemical compoundsLater, it will need other nutrients. But no other products will be provided to it! This is the meaning of monotonous mono-diet. So what? Our body, relying on the habit of getting new nutrients, will not work very carefully on the morning chicken. The amount of energy will go to waste. The body will not make full use of it. But it will not get anything else, so that energyWill start using another source of K, as he needs it. He will take that amount of energy from the only possible place - the fat layer. This process will literally start after lunch on the first day. Even on the first day, large amountsIn internal fat can be burned. After following the rules of the first petal, a significant effect will be felt.
- Another effective aspect of the 6-petal diet is the protein and carbohydrate shift system. According to Anna Junhasson's opinion, half the success in getting rid of excess body weight is due to this reason.
- Fish diet is recommended on the first day. This is the absorption of exclusively protein foods.
- Vegetables are given on the second day. Only carbohydrates are absorbed.
- On the third day you need to eat chicken. Protein substances are absorbed again.
- On the fourth day we eat cereal dishes, that is, again only carbohydrates are used.
- The fifth day is dedicated to Paneer. This is a protein diet.
- On the sixth day we consume fruits - again feeding carbohydrates.

Now it is clearly seen that the mono-diet changes depending on the net intake of protein and carbohydrate elements, and not in a mixed form. Trying to force the body to expend adipose tissue. Our body does not need to deprive itself of calories, it just needs to reconfigure a little. Then your stomach will be full, and the fat will begin to melt.
It is necessary to say a few words about the consumption of fats during the diet program "6 Petals". As you know, all fats, according to the effect on the body, differ in chemical composition. "In the diet "6 Petals", only essentialIt is offered to use mono- and polyunsaturated fats of animal origin: fish, meat, dairy. They will not accumulate in adipose tissue, but without them it is impossible to remain healthy and beautiful. This type of fat as a dietary supplementare classified. They were added to the menu so that the food was balanced.
To summarize the above, the salient features of the floral diet program are highlighted, which affect weight loss in just a few days.
- conversion of proteins and carbohydrates
- Application of the idea of separate nutrition
- Efficient Fat Burning With The 24 Hour Mono Diet
- lack of foods that disrupt digestion
Be sure to follow the sequence of mono-diet indicated by the nutritionist, ie petals. This is a very important factor in achieving the goal. The petals should be torn only in this order:
- fish
- vegetables
- chicken
- Cereal
- filter
- fruit
Do not change the sequence of mono-diet. You can not replace fish with chicken or cottage cheese, despite the fact that they are all protein products. Nutritionist Anna Junhansson considers this one of the main conditions. And this is quite justified.
Each of the listed mono-diets has its own important role in reducing the fat layer. The 6-petal diet is based on a system of uniform changes in proteins and carbohydrates. This is a very important moment. So you go from place to placeMono-diets cannot change. If this happens, the system will change the desired direction of digestion. The desired effect will not work. You need to implement the diet exactly as Anna Johansson suggests. Every mono-dietMakes proper preparation of the body for the next stage.

How is this done? The first day includes eating fish. Contains a large amount of healthy fats (omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids). They are useful for the body and do not accumulate in fatty tissues. In addition, fish meat is rich in protein. It is a product that is very easy to digest. After getting protein and fat, our body becomes calm and loses alertness.
The next day, we fill ourselves with low-calorie vegetables - carbohydrates of plant origin. By consuming them the body receives a small amount of calories and gives them a lot to digest. In addition, large fiber will be very useful. This will not allow the digested food to stagnate in the body. Digesting certain types of vegetables can force us to use up our internal energy stores, that is, fatty tissues.
In a day, a "6-petal" diet (subject to all conditions) will help participants with a weight gain of two kilograms. Vegetable diets will have a special effect, consuming only proteins before them. On the day of the vegetable diet, the body's protein compartmentwill be empty, so on the third day you will have to replenish them. For this a great way out will be a chicken mono-diet. It will give the body protein, which will be completely destroyed. The substance will not penetrate into the muscles, and especially adipose tissue. The first day will be repeated. The body will tune in to get energy from the fat layer, because on this day it will not get carbohydrates.
This is followed by a cereal mono-diet. She, like a vegetable, will give a significant reduction in body weight, while destroying them, taking energy for life from fat cells. Cheese diet provides the body with the long-awaited mineralFor the whole 4 days he will receive them in very small quantities along with the greens. The curd proteins will enter the body. But it will not give him the necessary calories because of the low calorie content. He will have to take them again from the fatty tissues. Thus, you will again lose 1-2 kg. This dairy product is very rich in beneficial amino acids.
The sixth mono-diet is designed to fortify the result and provide the body with complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides). These substances are found in large amounts in a variety of fruits. These tasty and healthy foods are easy for the gastrointestinal system to digest. Very difficult. This process consumes a lot of energy. Where will the body get it from? Of course, from the fatty layer. You will again part with fat.
So, it becomes clear how during the entire period of dietary nutrition, the body itself removes excess adipose tissue. Diet "6 Petals" Anna Johansson thought out to the smallest detail. All six petals of the diet program closelyThey are like steps that take you towards your ideal figure.
6 Benefits of the Petal Diet
- big weight loss in little time
- Using the characteristics of digestion to reduce adipose tissue
- no drugs or chemicals
- Consuming all the nutrients your body needs
- Liver and intestinal cleansing
- excellent mood and well-being
- safe for health
6 petal diet has many benefits. Many ways to lose weight including fasting cause irreparable harm to the human body. The best 6 petal method is not only injurious to health but also extremely beneficial. Weight loss is accompanied by excellent health andHappens in a good mood! During one cycle, you can lose more than 10 kg of body weight!